First! Like, almost primary.

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Hey Dan, I'm here because I heard you on RMG. I emailed one before ( while you were at 'PC MAG') I was interested in writing for you. It's something I'm trying to get into. It was a passion 15 years ago in high school. I would like to rekindle that. I would love to hear from you, and I don't have an email for you now. Thanks for your time!

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At this point, I am a staff of one. And not terribly well paid, at that. hit me up at dc@dancosta.coma and I can connect you with some of the folks that are still at PCMag,

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brilliant - appearing on RMG. My favorite segment of RMG was always Tech Tuesday where simple folks like me would get real solutions to mysterious computer and smart phone problems. Unfortunately I don't see any of that on "Machined". For example "Why does my machine lock up for 30 seconds at a time: what's it doing?" Is that coming in future issues or will the content continue to be "over the head" of the majority of us? In any event, I wish you luck with Machined.

Sincerely, a retired Vietnam Veteran.

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Thank you, sir! That was a wild show. hard to compete with Dieter in handcuffs. Also, you can always hit me up for tech advice, here or on Twitter @dancosta.

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